This is the repo to my static portfolio website hosted by GitHub.
However I am currently in the process of hosting the Vite + React frontend and Node Express back end using
Among other new features I will take advantage of using an I18y library to translate parts of my site that are dynamically updated from GraphQL api calls.
I have already translated the static sections into Spanish.
Notable features of this site are:
This site
Contact Me
page (containing content relevant to all aspects of coding from writing bash scripts to writing accessible code to contributing to open source projects),Fun Things
page to explore containing random things that I found interesting.Additionally, on each relevant page you will be able to filter the content by a text field or by selecting key phrases (css, debugging, back end, etc.) and attributes (title, date, etc.).
I will update each section periodically as I come across new or interesting material.
If you anything that needs a correction, please let me know! And create a pull request.
If you find an issue with the code or have a suggestions on how to improve this site, please see the CONTRIBUTING guide. Thank you.
But also please take a moment to review the Code Of Conduct section below. Thank you.
Please see the Contributor Covenant Code Of Conduct file.
I take these matters seriously. Please be a good person.
The GNU GPLv3 … lets people do almost anything they want with your project, except distributing closed source versions.
You can find the full text in this COPYING.txt file.