
Welcome to the repo for my Portfolio Website


This is the repo to my static portfolio website hosted by GitHub.

However I am currently in the process of hosting the Vite + React frontend and Node Express back end using Render.com.

Among other new features I will take advantage of using an I18y library to translate parts of my site that are dynamically updated from GraphQL api calls.

I have already translated the static sections into Spanish.

Notable Features

Notable features of this site are:


This site

Additionally, on each relevant page you will be able to filter the content by a text field or by selecting key phrases (css, debugging, back end, etc.) and attributes (title, date, etc.).

I will update each section periodically as I come across new or interesting material.

If you anything that needs a correction, please let me know! And create a pull request.


If you find an issue with the code or have a suggestions on how to improve this site, please see the CONTRIBUTING guide. Thank you.

But also please take a moment to review the Code Of Conduct section below. Thank you.

Code Of Conduct

Please see the Contributor Covenant Code Of Conduct file.

I take these matters seriously. Please be a good person.


Per choosealicense.com:

The GNU GPLv3 … lets people do almost anything they want with your project, except distributing closed source versions.

You can find the full text in this COPYING.txt file.

License: GPL v3

Static Badge